04. Employment Law
We have represented individuals, corporations, and even a union of fire fighters in navigating the tumultuous seas of Employment Law. Our mission is always to obtain the best possible outcome for our clients with the least amount of stress and difficulty for them.
Initiating an action against an employer (and likewise being on the receiving end of one) can be extremely frustrating. We are not a legal mill, we want to listen to your story, and do the best job possible of telling it. If you feel that your employer is discriminating against you on the basis of a health issue, a disability, race, religion, or gender, we want to hear your story.
Likewise, if your employer has engaged in abusive tactics, created a hostile work environment, and/or failed to provide you with adequate break times, vacation, sick-pay or failed to pay you for overtime, we are here to listen to you, and help you evaluate your options. We offer free consultations for this purpose.

48 Years of Accumulated Practice
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The Law Offices of Heather Gibson is dedicated to fighting on behalf of those who might not otherwise have a voice. We vigorously advocate for the rights of our clients against the seemingly insurmountable forces of insurance companies, utility providers, large scale business and the government with a proven record of success.